Boston Hardware Weekend

A few weeks ago we had the chance to be part of the Hackster Hardware Weekend (Boston version). The Hardware Weekend is a 10-city roadshow that enabled hundreds of people across the United States to learn, hack and have fun while building amazing projects.
We were glad to partner with The Hackster Team for their Boston hackathon, given our roots to the Boston/MassChallenge tech community.
Here some projects we had the pleasure to see being born in just 48 hours:
Swear Jar
This Jar will automatically open when you say bad words.
Automatic Coffee “Maker”
Leap Motion / Gesture Controled Text Messaging
They even built a nice 3D-printed case for the Leap Motion!
Remote Controlled Robotics
This Robotic Arm gets its XYZ coordinates in real-time through the web.
This weekend demonstrated, once more, that hardware design and development is reaching a whole new level, where openness and ease of programming are changing the way we create products.
Finally, I would like to thank the Hackster Team and their sponsors for making this happen!