Hi all, I had the same problems as all of you have discussed. However, I got it working after going through Maria Hernandez help (codes) in one of the posts. Here, I would like to share the code for using arduino atmega and esp8266 as telemetry. Three sensor data can be posted to UBIDOTS. THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO Maria Hernandez. Good job!
* Define Constants
namespace {
bool flow_control = true; // control the flow of the requests
const char * USER_AGENT = "UbidotsESP8266"; // Assgin the user agent
const char * VERSION = "1.0"; // Assign the version
const char * METHOD = "POST"; // Set the method
const char * TOKEN = "............"; // Assign your Ubidots TOKEN
const char * DEVICE_LABEL = "ESP8266"; // Assign the device label
const char * VARIABLE_LABEL1 = "SENSOR1"; // Assign the variable label
const char * VARIABLE_LABEL2 = "SENSOR2"; // Assign the variable label
const char * VARIABLE_LABEL3 = "SENSOR3"; // Assign the variable label
char telemetry_unit[100]; // response of the telemetry unit
/* Space to store values to send */
char str_sensor1[10];
char str_sensor2[10];
char str_sensor3[10];
* Main Functions
void setup() {
void loop() {
char* command = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 128);
char* second_command = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 128);
char* third_command = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * 128);
/* Wait for the server response to read the values and built the command */
/* While the flag is true it will take the sensors readings, build the command,
and post the command to Ubidots */
/* Analog reading */
float sensor1 = analogRead(A0);
float sensor2 = analogRead(A1);
float sensor3 = analogRead(A2);
/* 4 is mininum width, 2 is precision; float value is copied onto str_sensor*/
dtostrf(sensor1, 4, 2, str_sensor1);
dtostrf(sensor1, 4, 2, str_sensor2);
dtostrf(sensor1, 4, 2, str_sensor3);
/* Building the logger command */
sprintf(command, "init#");
sprintf(command, "%s%s/%s|%s|%s|", command, USER_AGENT, VERSION, METHOD, TOKEN);
sprintf(command, "%s%s=>", command, DEVICE_LABEL);
sprintf(command, "%s%s:%s", command, VARIABLE_LABEL1, str_sensor1);
sprintf(command, "%s%s:%s", command, VARIABLE_LABEL2, str_sensor2);
// sprintf(command, "%s%s:%s", command, VARIABLE_LABEL3, str_sensor3);
sprintf(command, "%s|end#final", command);
/* Prints the command sent */
Serial.println(command);// uncomment this line to print the command
/* Sends the command to the telemetry unit */
/* free memory*/
/* Change the status of the flag to false. Once the data is sent, the status
of the flag will change to true again */
// flow_control = false;
/* Reading the telemetry unit */
int i = 0;
while (Serial1.available() > 0) {
telemetry_unit[i++] = (char)Serial1.read();
/* Change the status of the flag; allows the next command to be built */
// flow_control = true;
//if (flow_control) {
/* Print the server response -> OK */
/* free memory */
//memset(telemetry_unit, 0, i);
/* Building the logger command */
sprintf(second_command, "init#");
sprintf(second_command, "%s%s/%s|%s|%s|", second_command, USER_AGENT, VERSION, METHOD, TOKEN);
sprintf(second_command, "%s%s=>", second_command, DEVICE_LABEL);
// sprintf(command, "%s%s:%s", second_command, VARIABLE_LABEL1, str_sensor1);
sprintf(second_command, "%s%s:%s", second_command, VARIABLE_LABEL3, str_sensor3);
// sprintf(command, "%s%s:%s", second_command, VARIABLE_LABEL3, str_sensor3);
sprintf(second_command, "%s|end#final", second_command);
/* Prints the command sent */
Serial.println(second_command);// uncomment this line to print the command
/* Sends the command to the telemetry unit */
/* free memory*/
// free(command);
/* Change the status of the flag to false. Once the data is sent, the status
of the flag will change to true again */
// flow_control = false;
/* Reading the telemetry unit */
int j = 0;
while (Serial1.available() > 0) {
telemetry_unit[j++] = (char)Serial1.read();
/* Change the status of the flag; allows the next command to be built */
// flow_control = true;
//if (flow_control) {
/* Print the server response -> OK */
/* free memory */
// memset(telemetry_unit, 0, i);