Hi. I am trying to send data via webhook from a particle electron to ubidots. I have read through almost similar issues and did what they suggested, i.e. specified the Token not API, provided the username and password credentials, check the Token is active (it is), check the URL in postman. All these still give the same issue and am out of options. Could the problem be am using “industrial” in the URL instead of “things”? What does it mean?
POST /api/v1.6/devices/DEVICE_ID_IN_PARTICLE?Content-Type=application%2Fjson&X-Auth-Token=TOKEN_IN_UBIDOTS HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: ParticleBot/1.1 (https://docs.particle.io/webhooks)
host: industrial.api.ubidots.com
authorization: Basic dGhvbWhhcnZleTpEYXRhRGlnaXRhbDE2
content-length: 32
Connection: keep-alive