Dashboard blank, no loading

The dashboard is not working. I cannot delete the widget because it only show within one second.

My username is sesgigikimo and dashboard’s name is demo dashboard.

Thank you,

Finally, i can delete the dashboard. After creating new one, problem solved.Thank you

I have the same issue, my dashboard load widgets and then go blank. Is there a bug with the system or what

Hi @sesgigikimo and @mafify,

We are sorry to hear that you are having problems with the visualization of your Dashboard. Can you please send me a private message with your username and the dashboard name so I can investigate what could be happening?

All the best,

Thank you!

Hello @mafify,

Did your dashboard happen to have a Gauge Widget with Custom color Logic set? If so, this might of been the reason for your dashboard not loading, that is, there is an error that crashes Dashboards when the Custom color logic range doesn’t match the Gauge values range.

Unfortunately I didn’t get the chance to fix your dashboard, as I can see that you deleted your dashboards.

Please let us know if this happens again to you.

Best regards,

I have the same issue after trying to format a timestamp. Now the dashboard will not load. How do I send you a private message?

Hi @tagurit,

Please receive my apologies for the delay in replying to your message. Are you still having this issue? if yes, can you please let me know your account username and Dashboard name?

All the best,

Hi Isabel @isalogi ,
Yes, still having issues with the Scatter chart. I cannot get the X-axis to format date/time. Is there any documentation on how to do this. My X-axis variable is Speed.Timestamp, but it is coming across as a number, not date/time.
Trying to replace this: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/tag.urit/viz/GCR804/SpeedScatter
Thank you