I have an issue with the number of decimal points set up on my profile. I can’t change the value - every time I go to edit it for lets say 3 or 4 it reverts back to default 2 decimal places, despite of the pop up window saying it has been updated. Any ideas how to fix that please? Have looked at other topics but nothing seems to help atm.
Many thanks
Hello, I’m experiencing the same difficulty, and it’s not only the decimal places, it also applies to the “Default dashboard” setting as well. Despite a “successfully updated message”, changes do not take effect.
Thank you for letting us know about this issue saving the decimal places in the account profile. We already reported with the Dev team and they are working on the solution. As soon as I have an update I will let you know. Please receive our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
I just want to let you know that the issue of modifying the account decimal places in the profile is solved. Can you please let me know if everything is working as expected from your end?