Dibujar ruta en mapa con colores según niveles de una variable

Hola, necesito graficar en un mapa el recorrido que realiza un dispositivo que tiene GPS y sensor de polvo, entonces con el GPS marca puntos y los niveles de polvo deben colorear la ruta según diferentes niveles de polvo medidos en aquellos puntos que generaron la ruta.

Hello @PabloKnales ,

Sorry to answer you in English, we try our answers to reach as many people as possible, and English is the default language to achieve that.

Currently, the map widget does not have the option to have color logic on the trace, but it does have color logic for the pin based on a variable. However, this is a very good idea and I will add this as a feature request for future developments, but in the meantime, I would suggest you explore the HTML Canvas widget to achieve what you want. You can find more information about this widget at the following link:

All the best,