Different number of decimal places on two axis graphs?

I’ve created a line graph widget with TWO axes. I’d like one to be integer and the other to have three decimal places. But I can only seem to be able to set the number of decimal places for the entire widget

Is this how it works, or have I missed something somewhere??


Phil G

Good day @pghilgrainger

I hope all is well,

Can you please make sure to have in your account’s Decimal places a value equal or higher than 3? In that way, you should be able to see the line chart with the correct decimal places.

All the best,

Thanks Isabel

I have decimal points - that’s not my question

I have a two axis graph and I’d like DIFFERENT numbers of decimal places on each

Can I?

Greetings, actually that is not possible. We will add your suggestion for future improvements to our widgets.

All the best

Thanks. At least I wasn’t looking for something that WAS there !