Error loading your data - ispindel

For the last couple of days I’ve been unable to access any device data. All I see is “Error loading your data”. Any solution to this would be much appreciated!

I noticed the same, it says I have exceeded the daily number of dots, which is not very likely, since 1) it does not reset the next day and 2) I don’t see the excessive usage in my account info.

Hello @PeteB and @cdg,

We apologize for the inconveniences that have been caused by this behavior. This is something that we have identified and are working to fix as soon as possible.

Can you please show a screenshot of the error that is appearing on your screen? Also, please show a screenshot of your account’s Usage section

Best regards,

Hi Sebastián

Below are the requested screenshots. On may 2nd it says that I retrieved over 500k dots, which is unlikely.

Today (may 13th) I get the warning that I am about to exceed the limit (also unlikely). The usage section does not go further than May 8th.


Hi there,
The same thing has happened again this morning!

Any help much appreciated…

Hello @PeteB and @cdg,

We apologize for the inconvenience caused. We’ve been able to identify this behavior and it is currently being studied so it can be addressed and fixed.

Once we deploy the improvements, we’ll let the community know.

Best Regards,

Has anyone found a solution to this problem yet?

I too have the same problems as ‘cdg’ and ‘PeteB’.
For 5 days now I have not been able to access data on my dashboard. I get the “Error loading your data” message on all widgets.

The usage section shows no data ( just dashes for 5 days) since June 30.

I have really enjoyed using ubidots and found it to be an invaluable tool. I feel lost without it.

I would appreciate any help.

Ubidots did respond to me saying they know what was causing this but were still working on solution AND that they would get back to me when they had a solution…not heard anything from them for some time now. Any news Ubidots? More people seem to having the same problem…

Thanks for the info PeteB .
Tell me, are you still having the problem , and can you use ubidots at all ?
I am totally locked out so to speak. I may have to use a different iot platform.

All seems good now!
6 days after the problem occurred, suddenly my dashboard and all other features came back to life. I will of course keep monitoring and will update this thread if the problem reoccurs.

I’ve had this problem twice now since Jan. First time was in May, when it lasted for 2 days over a weekend, and then again last month when it lasted 6 days. Shame to have to think about finding another iot but if it happens again I guess I’ll have to do the same.
I did find that even when the widgets don’t display you can still go into Devices and look at the current situation and access the data. Bit tedious but it is a workaround of sorts!

Yes. I found myself physically writing down the most current data into a chart as I refreshed the page to try to keep track of what was going on inside a fermenter.
The pages are, of course, no longer useful as all of the info is now available on screen again.

It’s just happened again. This service, although really useful, is just not reliable enough. Was tempted even to take out a paid subscription. But I guess it’s time to move on to another iot provider. Shame.

Hello @PeteB, @cdg, @Stevotosh7,

We’ve deployed a fix that should eliminate these cases where the Daily quota isn’t reset and you’re not able to view your Dashboards. I’ve checked in your accounts and this seems to the the case.

Could you please confirm that this hasn’t happened recently to either of you?

I’ll be attentive to your response. Thank you in advance

Best regards,

Thanks Sebastián

I have not had the problem again since the last time in late June / early July.

I will inform you on this thread if the problem reoccurs.

Thanks again,

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