How can I setup an event to GET a series of JSON files that contains multiple variable names and corresponding data and consume this and allocate the data to variables within a device?
Each file contains 6 variables, and the values assigned to those variables update every 5 minutes, so I need to re GET this file every 5 minutes.
Advice greatly received, I am going around in circles at the moment.
Sadly, the events’ module does not allow you to link or reference different values from different variables to a JSON. The reason is due to the current behavior of bookmarks, which are linked to the variable and the value that triggers the event.
The only way to do something like this would be through an UbiFunction, which would allow you to GET values from different variables with the Ubidots API, using Python or Node logic. Additionally, the event could be set up to run the function every time it is triggered, or the function could be set up to run periodically every 5 minutes.
Then, you could send the payload with all values to any other 3rd party API, within the same function.
NOTE: The UbiFunctions module is available with an Industrial plan or higher, as indicated in the article I previously shared.