Hello, the API I'm using supports up to 7000 data entries in the request and my device sends 11000. There is a bug in monitoring a port opening, is there any Ubdots API that supports this amount of data? Here's the API I'm using:

const pagina = props.pagina ?? “1”;
const tamanhoDaPagina = props.pagina ?? “7000”;
const estatistica = props.estatistica ?? Estatistica.RAW;
const sample = props.sample ?? Samples._5_MINUTOS;
const url = https://industrial.ubidots.com/api/v1.6/variables/${props.variavel.id.valor}/values_dataset?timestamp__gte=${periodo.inicio}&timestamp__lte=${periodo.fim}&statistic=${estatistica}&period=${sample}&tz=America%2FSao_Paulo&page=${pagina}&page_size=${tamanhoDaPagina};
const resposta: [EpochTimeStamp, number] = await this.httpClient.get(

Hello @rafael.ye

I hope this message finds you well.

Yes, our endpoints support this amount of data. For instance, if you have over 10,000 variables in your account, you can retrieve them using the page_size query parameter to specify the desired size.

Is it possible to know more details about what you want to achieve with that?

I will be attentive to your response.


Hello Alejandro, I hope you are well

Our door counting logic is 0 closed doors and 1 open door, but during the closed or open door the data continues to be published in the variable on average 11,000, the API is supporting 7,000 when the 1 week history is consulted, it does not count the openings , it is only counting in 24 hours.

In the 1 month request we have on average 330,000 data in the variable and we cannot support showing this data.


I apologize if I didn’t understand. Could you please clarify your requirement?

I understand that you are sending 0-1 values to a variable via MQTT, and the variable is receiving an average of 11,000 values. You are then using the endpoint you shared with me to retrieve all the data from the variable.

Could you please provide more details about what you mean by ‘the API supports only 7,000 values’? I believe my confusion lies here. I would like to understand better what you aim to achieve with the request.
