I would like to know how I can get the data contained in a variable to use it in an external web application, using the Ubidots API.
I found out how to send the data by email but not how to get this data directly in response to a REST API request, in JSON object for example?
April 5, 2022, 9:27am
R u looking something like this ? Not sure it helps.
Thank you Ali,
I finally found the URL I was looking for to load the data from Ubidots
variable = make_web_request("GET",
format(device_id, variable),
variable_values = make_web_request("GET",
variable.json()["valuesUrl"] + "?start=" + str(start_date*1000) + "&page_size=150000",
Here, the parameters of the “format” function mean: ‘device_id’ is the ID of the device the variable belongs to and ‘variable’ is the label of the variable I want to load data from
Hi @bertrandgauvreau ,
I hope all is well.
The device id is a unique identifier that is used to send data, you can find it on the device vies below the API label.
All the best,
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