iSpindel Dashboard Set Up Assistance required

I have the iSpindel communicating with Ubidots. I have tried to set up a dashboard but have no idea how to set it up properly so it shows me in a chart or graph form the performance of the iSpindel during the fermentation. I want to have a time & Gravity chart with temperature. iitried but x & y tangents are not done properly i reckon

Have you configured the iSpindel to use the token from your Ubidots profile? Don’t use the API key by mistake. Can you see the iSpindel under devices?

Have you read any of the instructions on github? iSpindle Documentation | iSpindel

yeah i have it configured, but am about to make a video for utube of me setting up the iSinpel, this will involve me smashing the stupid cunce of a thing with a hammer.

Hi @supaflygy

I understand that you are already sending data to Ubidots successfully from your iSpindel but I don’t understand the type of graph/chart you’re looking for to get. Can you expand a bit further as to this: “time & Gravity chart with temperature” ?