Magic link with no expiry not always working

We have created an org, and assigned a user to that org.

We then sent a magic link around to the users so they could see the dashboards for that org.

It has been working for a couple of months but now some people can’t use that link - they are shown the login page. Providing the username and password fails for everyone.

This is on

The user has role ‘Explorer’.

Hello @dajt, I hope this message finds you well.

What I understand is that you are sharing a Dashboard using the share feature, or how are you sharing the “magic” link for the dashboards?

You mention the users tried using username and password, but doesn’t work, those users tried to log in directly from your app login page or via this “magic link”?

I’ll be attentive to your response.

Hi @CamiloDavila ,

I emailed the magic link to the users, and they were using it ok for weeks.

Then they started seeing the error recently. When they try to use the link now, some or all of them are instead getting a login page.

Trying it here, I can’t make it give me a login page but other team members get variable results - sometimes they get to the dashboard, sometimes they get a login page.

Okay, can you show me how you created the magic link? This way I can confirm
if you are using the share dashboard feature with a link that no longer exists for the dashboard or if it is something else.

Here is where I copied the link from:

Got it, we ran some tests with the magic link from that specific user, and to us, it loads correctly every time.

My recommendation at the moment would be to simply go directly to the Magic link settings by clicking the edit button :

And make sure you copy the link exactly as it is, you can press the clipboard button on the right of the link for this.

Then ask your team members to test it in different browsers by pasting the link and making sure it is not cut or incomplete, to make sure it is the exact same one. Double-check your team members are not accessing using the domain of your app, instead of accessing only via the link.

I’ll be attentive to the results.