If you have gateways out in the field, and you’re are wondering whether they are performing right, then this plugin is for you. Check the full guide here.
Please note that, for this plugin to work, you need to make sure you’re using a valid TTS API Key. If you can’t see any data or newly created devices, please check your API key using an HTTP client such as Postman, by making a GET request to
URL: https://<YOUR_TTS_SERVER/api/v3/gateways
Method: GET
Auth: Use your TTS API Key in a Bearer token header
You should be getting a successful response like this:
The plug-in is currently unavailable but it will be released soon, after some modifications we have made to improve it get tested. As soon as the new version gets ready for release I will let you know immediately.
BTW - I’m not clamouring for this, I’m simply saying if the plugin listed isn’t released it should not be in the list of plugins - see the thread above. Otherwise users get confused.
The plugin 0.0.3 version is going to be replaced soon with a new version but just like the current version, only works for paid TTS licenses, it is not meant to work with the community edition of TTS.
It turns out that back then on Nov 22 last year, there was a problem with the UI that did not show the whole list of plugins available but it was not because the 0.0.3 had been deprecated by then.
What is technically needed? Is this because the TTS endpoint is hardcoded? Or is it because the TTS server needs to send to an Ubidots endpoint?
Are you aware of the opensource TTS version? I believe it runs the same stack as the TTS commercial versions… except it doesn’t have tenant capability. There are probably a few more differences, but the opensource has quite a bit of capability.
Both of what you call out / the community and enterprise / are both TTS hosted.
But I guess that begs the other question: Is the 0.03 WORKING for TTS enterprise NOW?