Oyster 3 gps integration helium

How to integrate the oyster 3 with the ubidots dashboard to be able to see the map ?
We are receiving the map longitude and latitude in the logs but they are not showing in the dashboard

Hello to everyone,

The decoder for the Oyster device can be found here. However, the data that will come from the device will not be Ubidots compatible, so it has to be modified such that it includes the GPS data within the context of the Dot being sent. The decoder would be as follows:

// Decode an uplink message from an array of bytes to an object of fields 
//  example 2ec3d4145fc90b14d126c2
function Decoder(bytes, port)
 var decoded = {};
 if (port === 1)
 decoded.type = "position";

 decoded.lat = bytes[0] + bytes[1] * 256 +
 bytes[2] * 65536 + bytes[3] * 16777216;
 if (decoded.lat >= 0x80000000) // 2^31
 decoded.lat-= 0x100000000; // 2^32
 decoded.lat/= 1e7;
 decoded.lng= bytes[4] + bytes[5] * 256 +
 bytes[6] * 65536 + bytes[7] * 16777216;
 if (decoded.lng>= 0x80000000) // 2^31
 decoded.lng-= 0x100000000; // 2^32
 decoded.lng/= 1e7;
 decoded.position = {"value": 1, "context":{"lat":lat,"lng":lng}};
 delete decoded.lat;
 delete decoded.lng;

 decoded.inTrip = ((bytes[8] & 0x1) !== 0) ? true : false;
 decoded.fixFailed = ((bytes[8] & 0x2) !== 0) ? true : false;
 if (decoded.fixFailed == false) 
 decoded.accuracy = 20;
 decoded.altitude = 0; // altitude information not available
 decoded.heading = (bytes[8] >> 2) * 5.625;

 decoded.speedKmph = bytes[9];
 decoded.batV = bytes[10] * 0.025;
 decoded.manDown = null;
 else if (port === 4)
 decoded.type = "position";
 decoded.lat= bytes[0] + bytes[1] * 256 + bytes[2] * 65536;
 if (decoded.lat>= 0x800000) // 2^23
 decoded.lat -= 0x1000000; // 2^24
 decoded.lat*= 256e-7;

 decoded.lng= bytes[3] + bytes[4] * 256 + bytes[5] * 65536;
 if (decoded.lng>= 0x800000) // 2^23
 decoded.lng -= 0x1000000; // 2^24
 decoded.lng  *= 256e-7;
 decoded.heading = (bytes[6] & 0x7) * 45;
 decoded.speedKmph = (bytes[6] >> 3) * 5;
 decoded.batV = bytes[7] * 0.025;
 decoded.position = {"value": 1, "context":{"lat":lat,"lng":lng}}
 delete decoded.lat;
 delete decoded.lng;
 decoded.inTrip = ((bytes[8] & 0x1) !== 0) ? true : false;
 decoded.fixFailed = ((bytes[8] & 0x2) !== 0) ? true : false;
 if (decoded.fixFailed == false) 
 decoded.accuracy = 20; // if GPS Fix set accuracy as 20
 decoded.altitude = 0; // altitude information not available
 decoded.manDown = ((bytes[8] & 0x4) !== 0) ? true : false;
 else if (port === 2)
 decoded.type = "downlink ack";
 decoded.sequence = (bytes[0] & 0x7F);
 decoded.accepted = ((bytes[0] & 0x80) !== 0) ? true : false;
 decoded.fwMaj = bytes[1];
 decoded.fwMin = bytes[2];
 else if (port === 3)
 decoded.type = "stats";
 decoded.initialBatV = 4.0 + 0.100 * (bytes[0] & 0xF);
 decoded.txCount = 32 * ((bytes[0] >> 4) + (bytes[1] & 0x7F) * 16);
 decoded.tripCount = 32 * ((bytes[1] >> 7) + (bytes[2] & 0xFF) * 2
 + (bytes[3] & 0x0F) * 512);
 decoded.gpsSuccesses = 32 * ((bytes[3] >> 4) + (bytes[4] & 0x3F) * 16);
 decoded.gpsFails = 32 * ((bytes[4] >> 6) + (bytes[5] & 0x3F) * 4);
 decoded.aveGpsFixS = 1 * ((bytes[5] >> 6) + (bytes[6] & 0x7F) * 4);
 decoded.aveGpsFailS = 1 * ((bytes[6] >> 7) + (bytes[7] & 0xFF) * 2);
 decoded.aveGpsFreshenS = 1 * ((bytes[7] >> 8) + (bytes[8] & 0xFF) * 1);
 decoded.wakeupsPerTrip = 1 * ((bytes[8] >> 8) + (bytes[9] & 0x7F) * 1);
 decoded.uptimeWeeks = 1 * ((bytes[9] >> 7) + (bytes[10] & 0xFF) * 2);

 return decoded;

Bear in mind that this would be the decoder being used in Helium’s side, but including the GPS data into the Dot’s context could also be done within the Ubidots’ Decoder tab on the Helium Plugin.

Best regards,