Problem viewing Location data in Dashboard

Hye, I have a problem when trying to display latitude and longitude data in the Ubidots dashboard. For mapping I successfully develop it but To display the location data in the table form, I fail to do so. The data was in the “context” column variable. When I try to select the context data for creating a column table, it says that “Some fields don’t have information”. How do I want to display the location data in the dashboard?

Hello @rahmatasmat ,

I believe the problem you are experiencing is because you need to input the key for the context field. In your case, the keys would be “lat” and “lng”. To input them, you need to click on the arrow at the right of each variable chosen for the column. After that, input the label for the variable to be shown and input the key for the context.

I’ll be attentive for when you try it out.

Best regards,