Hi, I’m trying to make a progress bar widget from 0 to 100%.
But I don’t know what the variable is in the JS code.
Take this example: HTML Canvas: Creating a Real Time Widget | Ubidots Help Center
I hope you can help me.
var socket;
var srv = "industrial.ubidots.com:443";
var VAR_ID = "5a0f6e7a76254211cac86bea"; // Put here your var Id
var TOKEN = "..." // Put here your token
$( document ).ready(function() {
// Implements the connection to the server
socket = io.connect("https://"+ srv, {path: '/notifications'});
var subscribedVars = [];
// Function to publish the variable ID
var subscribeVariable = function (variable, callback) {
// Publishes the variable ID that wishes to listen
socket.emit('rt/variables/id/last_value', {
variable: variable
// Listens for changes
socket.on('rt/variables/' + variable + '/last_value', callback);
// Function to unsubscribed for listening
var unSubscribeVariable = function (variable) {
socket.emit('unsub/rt/variables/id/last_value', {
variable: variable
var pst = subscribedVars.indexOf(variable);
if (pst !== -1){
subscribedVars.splice(pst, 1);
var connectSocket = function (){
// Implements the socket connection
socket.on('connect', function(){
socket.emit('authentication', {token: TOKEN});
window.addEventListener('online', function () {
socket.emit('authentication', {token: TOKEN});
socket.on('authenticated', function () {
subscribedVars.forEach(function (variable_id) {
socket.emit('rt/variables/id/last_value', { variable: variable_id });
/* Main Routine */
// Should try to connect again if connection is lost
socket.on('reconnect', connectSocket);
// Subscribe Variable with your own code.
subscribeVariable(VAR_ID, function(value){
var parsedValue = JSON.parse(value);