Sigfox Downlink

I’m using Unamkr Sigfox . I want to use a downlink to control my pump.
I know how to write uplink code but I don’t know how to write downlink code … would you mind helping me?

Hello @wael,

Thank you for sharing your question with the community. Please refer to the following article to learn how to manage downlink messages using Sigfox and Ubidots.

Please let us know if you need further help.


Thank you for your support.{UBIFUNCTION-URL}/?token={UBIDOTS-TOKEN}&device={SIGFOX-DEVICE-ID}&variable={VARIABLE_LABEL}

should I replace {VARIABLE_LABEL} with what?

  1. Erase and replace the default code located in the UbiFunction editor
    After replacing the code with the code in the link, should I change/replace something from the code?

Hi @wael,

You should replace{VARIABLE_LABEL} with the label of your variable of interest, the label refers to a unique identifier within the Ubidots time-series backend. To find the label go to Devices → Sigfox device → Variable (temperature, frequency, pressure, etc)

Regarding the second question, no, you don’t need to replace or enter any parameter in the code.

All the best,

Thank you for your support and information.
Unfortunately, both downlink and callback status show errors.

In my experiment code:
By pushing a button from ubidots dashboard then LED turns on.

Hi @wael,

Can you please send us an image of the errors you are getting?

I will be attentive to your response.


Thank you for your support.
There is an error shown when sending the image .
I got this message.
“Sorry, there was an error uploading that file. Please try again.”

Hi @wael,

Thank you for your response. Do you mean uploading an image here, in the community post?


Yes. in the community post

Thank you for your confirmation. I’m going to verify what could be happening and report it to the team in case there is an error from our side. Can you please let me know the extension of the image (PNG, JPG…)?

I have created both of extension for the image.

Every time Is work fine now…

Would you mind telling me on how to use Sigfox Downlink with Ubidots via Node-red ?

What should I do in case of using 2 variables for downlink?{UBIFUNCTION-URL}/?token={UBIDOTS-TOKEN}&device={SIGFOX-DEVICE-ID}&variable1={VARIABLE_LABEL}&variable2={VARIABLE_LABEL}