Hello, I am establishing an MQTT connection and publishing it to the Ubidots dashboard. I want to just add the Context like “Motion Detected” while publishing.
And I am using this code in Arduino IDE with ESP32:
sprintf(topic, "%s%s", "/v1.6/devices/", DEVICE_LABEL);
sprintf(payload, "%s", ""); // Cleans the payload
sprintf(payload, "{\"%s\":", VARIABLE_LABEL); // Adds the variable label
float sensor = analogRead(sensor);
dtostrf(sensor, 4, 2, str_sensor);
sprintf(payload, "%s {\"value\": %s}}", payload, str_sensor); // Adds the value
Serial.println("Publishing data to Ubidots Cloud");
client.publish(topic, payload);
In Dashboard, I am getting ----- line in place of context.
So what changes I have to make in the above code? Please help me out.