[SOLVED] Difference between TLATE and HTTP

I want to know what is the difference between TLATE and HTTP.

bool Ubidots::sendAll(bool type) {
if (type) {
    return sendTLATE();
} else {
    return sendHTTP();
} }

And which function will call when i send TRUE?

Hello, i guess you refer to UbidotsMicroESP8266 library.

TLATE i guess stands for translate and sends your request at translate.ubidots.com, port 9012

while the other one sends it at things.ubidots.com, port 80.

TRUE will trigger the first one since “if(type)” is like saying “if(type==true)”.

I use false in this one and send my request at things.ubidots.com, i don’t really know about the other one.

Greetings, below the differences:

  • TLATE: Uses the translate service to send data through TCP, more information here.
  • HTTP: Uses the standard REST API to send data using a POST request.

If you set the input parameter as true, it will be called the methdo TLATE()


I’m sending data to 3 variables using their LABEL not ID so when i set false it gives error but when i set TRUE it works

Does it give a specific error? One problem I had with http was that it uses around 300bytes to create the POST request string, so make sure you have enough free memory if the error is not specific.

Greetings @zj99, our translate service does not support to send data with the variable’s ID, that is why it fails for you. If you need to send data using the variable’s ID refer to this example.

I advice you to send data using the device and the variable label, as using ID is not a scalable way to send data with the same firmware from many devices.
