[SOLVED] Downlink from ubidots to The Things Industries (TTI)

HI all,
Actually, I’m working with ubidots(Community version) & The Things Network(TTN) and my downlink from ubidots to TTN is done successfully. While I purchased the community version of The Things Industries, I don’t have the option in EVENT to create the downlink. I have tried with TTN integration, it is not responding to The Things Industries (TTI). Please help me out with this issue!

Thanks in advance

Greetings, actually there is not a direct integration with TTI as the one existing with TTN, we are working in a future integration with TTI in the short term, meanwhile you may use Ubifunctions to connect with them using both Ubidots and TTI REST API if you need to release a POC.

All the best

Thanks for the response & i will use ubifunctons!

I’d like to +1 on this request, we have a large-scale project approaching and we would also like to use TTI. So if you can add this support to the TTN integration that would be very useful to us as well.

Shouldn’t it be just adding the TTI servers to the list?

The request format should be the same as far as I know

@Indhumathi do you know?

Hi @tom, thanks for your comment.

TTN and TTI are different companies and manage in different ways their REST API, so it is not just adding an additional server, the image provided by you is related with the events action for TTN and works properly just with them.

Have a nice rest of day

Hi Jose

Actually it is the same company that runs both TTN and TTI, TTN is the community-edition of TTI.

From what they told me, the API is similar.

They also told me they are working with you guys to add TTI to the integration, so hopefully that is progressing nicely.

keep us updated.

Hey @tom,

I know it’s been a few months since this conversation, but I wanted to update you about the integration of downlink messages.

If you refer again to the downlink event settings you will see multiple options in the URL field, including a “Custom” option.


This field is for assigning the custom host provided by TTI + the region. That said, the final URL would be as follows:



  • https://integrations.xxxxx.thethings.industries/ttn = the custom URL
  • /api/v2/down/my-app-id/my-process-id?key=ttn-account-v2.secret = the information included in the other fields provided in the event.

As you mentioned TTN and TTI have a similar API, so the only change would be the custom host. Said this, there should be no problem with integration. I invite you to test it.

I will be attentive to any additional questions, or if you have any feedback they are completely welcome.

Maria H.