[SOLVED] Error al conectar arduino uno + sim900 con ubidots

Hola a todos, gracias por las ayuda que me puedan brindar, estoy trabajando con un arduino uno y el sim900, uso un chip de Claro de Perú, tengo mi sensor de sonido KY-037 el cual quiero visualizar los datos en la pagina, comencé por seguir paso a paso el tutorial de la misma pagina aqui, todo bien hasta que llego al paso 3, uso el mismo programa que me muestra el tutorial, hago las conexiones indicadas y el uso de librerias todo como indica; subo el programa al arduino, y al vizualizar el monitor en serie del arduino me sale lo siguiente:

Response of GPRS:


Error with AT
Response of GPRS:


Error with AT+CIPSHUT
Response of GPRS:
Error sending variables

y obviamente no visualizo nada en la pagina de udibots.

En la parte del programa que me pide el VARIABLE_LABEL le puse “sonido”, que es el mismo nombre de mi variable en la pagina del ubidots. Los datos de APN que uso son “claro.pe”, usuario y pass “claro”; uso los pin 7, 8 y 9 del arduino uno y los conecto a los pin 7, 8 y 9 del sim900 respectivamente.

He buscado información por mas de tres días, tratando de encontrar el motivo del error, pero aun no tengo resultado, espero me puedan ayudar. Gracias


I am having the same issue.
In June I started my project with Ubidots. I used an Arduino uno and a Sim900A module, together with the UbdidotsArduinoGPRS library. I successfully tested the scripts that were provided as examples. Due to a busy period at the office I had to pause my project. Last week (so some months in between) I decided to continue. So, I tried to run the same scripts that worked previously, on the same machine, using same hardware and sim card with data plan. I got this error that I attach.

Some things I did in order ro find a solution:

  • Updated Arduino IDE
  • Checked for the last version of the Ubidots Library
  • Did the “preflight” checklist
  • Tested several scripts

I found an older post by Mateo Velez - Metavix in which he uses String and SoftwareSerial library. It worked, I managed to sent data to Ubidots. However, I want to keep using the Ubidots Library, my scripts that I worked on putting together… If someone from the Ubidots Team or the community could help with this error, I would very much appreciate it.

Link for post by Mateo Velez - Metavix - a workaround that works https://ubidots.com/community/t/solved-issues-with-the-arduino-gprs-shield/22

Many thanks in advance,