[SOLVED] Freeze dashboard


When I was working with Educational version, I was told that the freezing was because this platform is shared with other users.
Currently, I upgraded to developer version and the same thing happens.
What I should expect about this issue and how explain to the potential customer this dashboard feature.
Thank you very much.

Greetings, we experienced some issues with our Real-Time engine during the weekend, the development team released a patch that should mitigate this problem, can you gently please check if your dashboards are not working properly. If the issue persists, please contact us through the embedded chat in your account in order to give you assistance faster.

All the best

Hi Jose

Yesterday 9/10 I started the dashboard at 22:14 and was working with no freeze up to 9/11 at 5;13 I get up at 6: 30 and saw some tabla with historical data that show me that.
Thank you

Greetings @Radix, I do not understand very well your message, are you still experiencing issues? If yes, can you gently provide us your username and the dashboard name.

All the best

Hi Jose
Yes, I am currently experiencing issues.
I was sending dots from 22.14 yesterday night and the dashboard froze today at 5;13 in the morning
username: amvnw
Dashboard name : Test_1
I will be testing again during the day.
Thank you

Buen dia Jose

Quizas me puedas ayudar con un inconveniente que tengo con el uso de:

Valor = ubidots.getValueWithDatasource(DEVICE_LABEL, VAR_LABEL);

El punto es que tengo dos sencillos codigos que utilizan este GET request pero uno funciona y el otro no.
Eeste funciona bien, simplemente toogle a LED cuando presiono el widget swith en el dashboard

  // This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <Ubidots.h>

    // test-U_ Switch2

    #ifndef TOKEN
    #ifndef VAR_ID
    #define VAR_ID "58d9153e762542576b721820"  // Put here your data source name
    #ifndef VAR_LABEL
    #define VAR_LABEL "valor" // Put here your variable api label
    #ifndef DEVICE_LABEL
    #define DEVICE_LABEL"3a0045000547363339343638" // Put here your device api label

    Ubidots ubidots(TOKEN,"industrial.api.ubidots.com");
    unsigned long lastvalues;// Global initialize to 0
    const unsigned long sendValues =1000L;
   int led1 = D7;
   int Valor;

   void setup() {
    //ubidots.setDebug(true); //Uncomment this line for printing debug messages
    pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);
    void loop() {
    unsigned long topLoop = millis();
    if ( (topLoop - lastvalues) >= sendValues) {
       lastvalues = topLoop;
     Valor = ubidots.getValueWithDatasource(DEVICE_LABEL, VAR_LABEL);
    if (Valor==1 ){
    digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);
   else if( Valor!=1){
    digitalWrite(led1, LOW);

Este otro no funciona y de acuerdo al resultado que se observa : intervalo de actualizacion = 5000ms, pareciera que el switch siempre esta en “1”

// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <Ubidots.h>

/* Note: the external MCU sends the following string every 2000 ms.*/

/*  A78.04%81.09%80.20%36.75%78.40%111.13%78.35%81.66% '\n' */

 * Include Libraries
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
 * Define Constants
#ifndef TOKEN

#ifndef VAR_ID
#define VAR_ID "5badb9b41d84723047054480"  // Put here your data source name or VAR _ID

#ifndef VAR_LABEL
#define VAR_LABEL "Valor" // Put here your variable api label : letras


#define DEVICE_LABEL"MESON3" //  es Meson2 Put here your device api label

Ubidots ubidots(TOKEN,"industrial.api.ubidots.com");

unsigned long lastvalues;// Global initialize to 0
unsigned long sendvalues =5000L;

static bool Valor;

int counter=0;

void setup() {
  //ubidots.setDebug(true);  //Uncomment this line for printing debug messages

void loop() {
  unsigned long topLoop = millis(); 


    if ( (topLoop - lastvalues) >= sendvalues) {
        lastvalues = topLoop; 
   if (counter>450000){
    Valor = ubidots.getValueWithDatasource(DEVICE_LABEL, VAR_LABEL);  
    ubidots.add("Data0", counter); 
  // Valor=1;
    if (Valor==1){
    else if  ( Valor==0){ 
     sendvalues= 30000L;


Espero puedas ayudarme con esto.
Ya he consultado con Particle forum, pero no obtengo una respuest concreta,
Muchas gracias.

I saw this , because the web on phone no update webpage automatic
On phone , pls update webpage
On PC, press F5

Hi, can you be more explicit please?
Thank you

My customer as me about same problem, when they check Dashboard
I recommend them to reload again webpage on phone

on web browser PC, press F5

Thank you is a good idea.

Hola, intenta colocando tus labels en minúsculas. Si el problema persiste, por favor activa el método etDebug() y compartenos por acá la trama tcp que envia el dispositivo a través del puerto serial.
