[SOLVED] GPS location transferred as context, still not showing up


I use particle to populate a datasource and send the location as a context. It used to work fine for months, however, after a while it stopped showing up on the map. However, on the devices screen it still appears:

Any ideas?


I have two guesses but can’t test any of them. It could either be because of the splaces between ‘lat:’ and the value or because of the too many decimals. Anybody had issues with this in the past?

Hello @tamas,

I’ve made a test and the maps widget seems to work properly, I attach you a screencaptures:

If you made your tests last sunday, we had a small issue with widgets that affected some users, but t was solved on sunday too at 14:00 EST. Please take a look again and let us to know the tests’ results.



That must have been it, now it seems to work. thanks