I am trying to create Mapbox HTML Canvas by referring example mentioned in following url:
var TOKEN = 'Your token'; //added default token of my account
var VARIABLE = 'Your variable'; //added variable which I wanted to display over map
var key = 'Mapbox access toaken' //added access token of my mapbox account;
function getDataFromVariable(variable, token, callback) {
var url = 'https://industrial.api.ubidots.com/api/v1.6/variables/' + variable + '/values';
var headers = {
'X-Auth-Token': token,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
var params = {
page_size: 1
}; // replaced educational url with industrial url
added following 3rd party library:
After saving html canvas,I am not able to see any map. Please let me know if I missing something.
Best Regards,
Amit Golhani