[SOLVED] Order of timestamps mixed up when displaying line

Can anyone explain this?

(I had to link the picture in from external as the upload did not work for some reason)

Why is the line going forth and back? it should be going across horizontally, then down to 0 and then up again?

This is the code I am using to upload the datapoints:

  dtostrf(amountyesterday, 4, 1, str_amounttoday);
  dtostrf(currenttime-10, -32, 0, str_currenttime);
  sprintf(payload, "{\"%s\": {\"value\": %s , \"timestamp\":  %s000 }}", VARIABLE_AMOUNT, str_amounttoday, str_currenttime); // Adds a zero to make graph look good
  if (debug) Serial.println(payload);
  mqttclient.publish(topic, payload);
  dtostrf(currenttime, -32, 0, str_currenttime);
  sprintf(payload, "{\"%s\": {\"value\": 0.0, \"timestamp\":  %s000 }}", VARIABLE_AMOUNT, str_currenttime); // Adds the value
  if (debug) Serial.println(payload);
  mqttclient.publish(topic, payload);
  dtostrf(currenttime+10, -32, 0, str_currenttime);
  dtostrf(amounttoday, 4, 1, str_amounttoday);
  sprintf(payload, "{\"%s\": {\"value\": %s , \"timestamp\":  %s000 }}", VARIABLE_AMOUNT, str_amounttoday, str_currenttime); // Adds the value
  if (debug) Serial.println(payload);
  mqttclient.publish(topic, payload);

Resulting in the following payloads:

{“dayamount”: {“value”: 0.2 , “timestamp”: 1570101114000 }}
{“dayamount”: {“value”: 0.0, “timestamp”: 1570101124000 }}
{“dayamount”: {“value”: 0.4 , “timestamp”: 1570101134000 }}

Hi there, thanks for the message, if you refresh the page the chart is still plotted in that way? My thoughts is that the dot at 12:04 was ingested later at the DB than the one at 12:14, but if you refresh the page it should be plotted properly.

you are absolutely right… strange I did not notice earlier as I did try this for a while… sorry for the unnecessary question. :+1: