[SOLVED] Posting to Ubidots from App Inventor

Hello ,
I’m using app inventor and I’m trying to test out sending a POST request to a variable I’ve created in ubidots. The idea is simply to send gps cordinates when I click a button.

The appinventor segment is below:

However, I keep getting the error, {“value”:[“This field is required.”]} . I have tried double quotes, by the way, with the same error.

When I try the same thing using a REST API client it works

Any ideas?

Hi there, maybe it’s because you haven’t set the “application/json” header before posting the request?

Gee! @hackmed, it worked like a breeze! Thanks!

P.S. I also had to change the single quotes back to double quotes.

i am still facing issue. every time when i run request header code via mit-app inventor it creates new variable at ubidots.com cloud beside posting the value in existing variable.

what should i do, please help !!