[SOLVED] STEM monthly limit?

Is there a monthly limit on data extraction for STEM accounts? I see that paid accounts have monthly limits but I don’t find any mention of monthly limits for STEM.

Good day @jcolema1

Thank you for sharing your question with the community.

Yes, there’s a daily limit on data extraction for STEM accounts. Please refer to the link below to check them:

Let me know if you have any questions about this.


My question is about monthly limits.

Hi @jcolema1

We don’t have monthly limits for STEM accounts, instead, we have daily limits. The explanation of this is because if you run out of dots in a few days, you will have to wait until the end of the month to be able to see data again, while with the current daily quota you just have to wait until the next day.

So the answer to your question is no, we don’t have monthly limits for STEM accounts, we have daily limits.