Ubidots Node Red - Missing Messages / Adding a Queue?


I am using a Node Red Flow to capture wireless IoT Sensor Data from NCD, and sending it to Ubidots.

I have noticed over time that we are getting missed data/messages on Ubidots. Specifically, I can see the data coming in from the sensors (I have reviewed the csv files backups), and yet the data is missing on ubidots.

I suspect it is either a network issue or perhaps I am maxing out on rate limits?

I have added a rate limit node (node-red-ratelimit (node) - Node-RED) to ensure I dont hit any rate limits of 4 /sec, but it hasn’t solved it completely.

Do you have any ideas, perhaps any queue nodes or failure checking, so that if a message is received and attempted to be uploaded to ubidots, but can’t, the system will hold it or retry it?

I am thinking about this (saw this on another post), but not sure if this will work or if there is a better idea? node-red-contrib-msg-queue (node) - Node-RED

Hope this makes sense - let me know if you have any ideas! Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Greetings @qntfy

It was insightful of you to consider the API rate limits as a potential issue; this indeed aligns with what I initially suspected. If you have already taken steps to address this, we may need to look beyond these measures to uncover the root cause of your concerns.

Could you provide more details about how you are sending data?

At this point, I’m thinking that if you are using UbiFunctions, there may be scenarios where the logic encounters unforeseen complications or edge cases, thus, if the function execution is not successful, no data will reach your devices.

In any case, gaining a comprehensive understanding of your setup will help me provide the accurate support you need.

Best regards