Unable to create a new device

I just created a new stem account to test an IOT device for a project. And I saw that the stem allows 3 free devices to be created. But when I go to create my first device, it redirects me to upgrading my plan. Please help

I have the same behavior with Stem. I can’t add any device.

Is it possible that Ubidots has changed its policy?


Does the ubidots Android app work for you? For me, when I enter my information to log in, it stays loading and does nothing

Greetings, I hope this message finds you well.

For troubleshooting purposes, could you please confirm the username and email associated with your Ubidots account registration?

Upon preliminary analysis, I identified an account with the following credentials:

  • Username: xxxxxxxxx
  • Email: xxxxxxx@gamil.com

It appears there’s a typographical error in the domain of the email address, specifically “gamil” instead of “gmail”. This discrepancy likely prevented the delivery of the account confirmation email, resulting in an inactive account status.

Kindly verify the above details so we can proceed with the necessary corrections.

we’ll be attentive to your answer in order to proceed with the required steps.

Best regards,

–Juan David

Hello Juan,

Wow! What a silly mistake. That’s why I never received the account confirmation email. Please, can you correct it? Thank you!

I have another account on which there is no device. This account has been registered for years.

With this account, I tried to create a new device a few days ago, but it always redirects me to upgrade my plan. This account is educational, and I use your platform to introduce my students to the world of IoT. In a few days, my students will sign up for Stem to create a new device.

I created a third account because I didn’t receive the confirmation email. I received the confirmation email in this one, and the behavior is the same. To create a new device, you must change your plan to professional, industrial or enterprise.

Thanks in advance.



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Greetings @atonica I’ll be contacting you internally so you can confirm the correct email that you wish to use for your account, then we’ll proceed to take the corrective measurements.

acabo de crearme una cuenta stem y me sale inactiva, puede ayudarme¡?

Saludos, estamos al tanto de la situacion y trabajando en una solucion, pedimos disculpas por las molestias ocasionadas e intentaremos atenderlo lo mas rapido posible. Agradecemos su comprension.

Saludos cordiales.

Yes, looks that something is really broken here.
I also cannot add new devices and existing stopped recieve data

Hello @sergis87,

If you have a STEM account, you have reached the maximum number of devices you can create. Please keep in mind that with a STEM license, you can create a maximum of three devices.

Regarding the issue of not receiving data, I would like to understand the protocol you are using and how your scripts are configured for sending data to Ubidots.

I’ll be attentive for your response.
