Hi there. I’m part of the support team at Ubidots. I’ve great news for you.
We have been working several weeks for building video tutorials for Ubidots users. Take a look to our Youtube channel and watch them. We are covering from the most basic topics to more sophisticated projects.
We are making a video tutorial each week. We want to find out the most relevant topics for our users. Feel free to join this discussion and give us ideas for our next posts.
It will be selfish to ask since i am working on Linkit ONE (GPRS) + Ubidots + MQTT. If there can be a tutorial covering these components, that’ll be ideal … Nice job btw in making these tutorials.
I’m also a bit selfish, but addon on a DHT22 temp/hum logger. Want to log every few minutes (preferable to be controlled on your site) to ubidots. But also want to let a esp8266-12e click on and of the relay for a humidifier. And also want to change the humidify setpoint through your site. And an indication if the relay is switched on or off.
Somehow for me combining 3 different tutorials with different functions does’t work