The Missing Piece of your Legacy BEMS System

Unlocking the Power of Ubidots for BEMS Upgrade

Legacy BEMS systems have long been the backbone of building management, offering basic monitoring and analytics capabilities, often restricted to on-site access.

Imagine smarter, more responsive buildings – ones that adapts to their surroundings in real time. IoT is turning this vision into reality. By seamlessly integrating existing HVAC systems with IoT sensors, a new level of data granularity and reporting quality can be achieved.

To achieve this, IoT sensors are typically placed throughout building environments, measuring critical parameters like temperature, humidity, occupancy, and more. They can also be embedded in electrical distribution panels, monitoring power consumption for individual circuits.

Stock photo of a man.

Here goes a quote explaining how this particular feature helped a client with their business.

- Alex Marcus, Company

Over $45,000 a month in savings
using Ubidots

Water leaks have long been an Achilles' heel in building maintenance and management. With insurance companies now even mandating such monitoring systems in newer structures, the need for water monitoring has never been higher. As a good reference, water damage claims form up to 29% of submissions to insurance companies, culminating in millions of dollars of loss annually.

It's in this context that an Ubidots client, a cutting-edge company, makes its entrance with real-time water usage monitoring and leak detection systems. By merging wireless connectivity, a tailored cloud application made with Ubidots, and next-generation hardware, they offer solutions that achieve over $45,000 in savings for their customers.

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Ubidots helps BEMS professionals centralize both IoT sensor data, and existing HVAC information, giving them unprecedented control over building's performance. With Ubidots, you can effortlessly.

Experience the future of Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) with Ubidots – and transform your facilities into efficient, resource-efficient, and eco-conscious spaces.

Stock photo of a man.

Here goes a quote explaining how this particular feature helped a client with their business.

- Alex Marcus, Company


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Harness the power of Ubidots' IoT-friendly APIs to seamlessly integrate a wide range of Internet-enabled sensors; don’t limit your project to just legacy HVAC signals.
Regulatory Compliance
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Regulatory Compliance

Measure your carbon footprint, minimize energy wastage, and effortlessly generate automated reports to meet the stringent requirements of smart building certifications.
Cost Savings
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Cost Savings

Uncover hidden opportunities for cost savings by gaining deeper insights into the utilization of building spaces and resources.

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