JavaScript API Client for Ubidots

I created this library : A JavaScript API Client for Ubidots from its Ruby equivalent : A Ruby API Client for Ubidots and I am sharing it here with the community because I think that it could be helpful for more people.

If it is useful and the community thinks and feels it is necessary, the guys from Ubidots maybe could include it here : Ubidots GitHub and here : Ubidots Libraries so more people can find it and have access to it more easily.

Please do not hesitate to make any comment, leave your feedbacks and/or let me know any issue.

Hope you like it! And enjoy it! :smile:


Kind regards,

Glendel J. Fyne

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Dear Glendel, thanks a lot for your contribution! I’m sure it will be of help to many users, both hardware and software developers. We’ll review the library soon.

OK! Great! I am glad to read it! :slight_smile:

One (1) thing, I saw that on the Phyton API Client and on the PHP API Client there are two (2) classes, one called “Paginator” and the other one called “InfoList” that are not implemented in the Ruby API Client, so I was wondering if should I implement those classes in the JS API Client or they are specific just for the Phyton and PHP API Clients ? Should they also be implemented in the Ruby API Client ?


Kind regards,

Glendel J. Fyne