My STEM Account is inactive

To continue providing Ubidots for free to our community of enthusiasts, we like to ensure our database remains healthy by automatically deleting STEM accounts after 90 days of inactivity.

This is not an immediate hard deletion, but STEM accounts do get deleted after a few days.

If your account is inactive and you wish to activate it again, please leave your username in this topic, and we’ll do our best to recover it.

NOTE: Our criteria for deactivation is either:

  • You haven’t logged in for 90 days. If you use public dashboards, or send data, but never log in, your account might still be deleted.
  • You created an account, but never came back (“create_date” > 30 days AND “last_seen_day” = “create_date_day”)

Thank you for your understanding! Our goal with this is to be able to continue providing a free tier to our community of enthusiasts.



I love this service!

Can you please reactivate Kevinwwilson

Thank you!!



Hello! Is is possible to reactivate my account? I had been accessing my account every 3-4 days, but I’m wondering if since I wasn’t actually logging out/in if it didn’t recognize that I was still using the account.


Also, for what it’s worth, I didn’t receive any notifications that it was going to be deactivated that I can find - similar to what was reported in the other recent post.

Hello @Kevinwwilson

Your account is active now, please validate.

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Hi, my STEM account also seems to have just been hit with deactivation (although I have been using it regularly)
Username = nwicks
Please can you reactive?
Many thanks, Nick

Please reactivate my STEM account. User name jcox. Thank you,

@nick your account has been activated.

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My STEM account Arrr suddenly became inactive yesterday with no notification suggesting why. Could you please reactivate it?
Thank you.

@Jason your account has been activated.

@Grrr your account has been activated.

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Many thanks :+1:

Thank you very much!

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Hello, same for me - account phudec
My I kindly ask you for reactivation? Thank you very much indeed

@PatrikHudec your account has been activated.

Hi my stem account has become inactive although i have used it recently. Can you assist in reactivating it please. kind regards Simale

My account has also be deactivated even though I was using the dashboard at the start of the month.
User Name is Haggis2021

My I kindly ask you to double-check my account phudec pls? On Friday it seemed reactivated, but now it is inactive again.

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my STEM account has become inactive also, although I have used it recently.
Could you please reactivate it?
My user name is HF_ubi
Thank you.