[SOLVED] How to send multiple variables for one device - with a single Timestamp?

I am sending a large payload with 18 variables to Ubidots from Particle using a Webhook. I would like to supply a Timestamp for all of these variables and see that it could be accomplished using the approach outlined here:

However, this would have me sending the same 32-bit Timestamp number 18 times which seems wasteful. Is there a way - using the Device API - to provide a single Timestamp for all the variables provided in the Webhook?



Greetings @chipmc, as our HTTP REST API does not support global timestamps, if you use TCP you can send an unique timestamp for all your variables, the packet structure can be referenced at our hw docs and should look like the one below:


If TCP is not suitable for you, you may also send your own customized http request to an Ubifunction, with this architecture you will be able to manage the data coming from your devices just as you wish to fit your needs, this is the most flexible option.

Let me know if you have any additional doubt


OK, understand this is not possible via the Api. TCP is not an option for me.

I do, however have access to Ubifunctions and would like to learn more about their use. Can you please validate this approach and point me to any examples / docs I could use to learn this?

Scenario. Device collects data from sensors every 15 minutes at 15, 30, 45 minutes after the hour. At the top of the hour, another data set is collected and the device connects to Particle. At that time, it sends the four data sets using web hooks.

Here is the Webhook I am currently using: https://business.api.ubidots.com/api/v1.6/devices/{{PARTICLE_DEVICE_ID}}/?token={{My Token}}

The JSON payload is:
“TimeStamp”: “{{TimeStamp}}”,
“Soilmoisture1”: “{{Soilmoisture1}}”,
“Soilmoisture2”: “{{Soilmoisture2}}”,
“Soilmoisture3”: “{{Soilmoisture3}}”,
“Soilmoisture4”: “{{Soilmoisture4}}”,
“Soilmoisture5”: “{{Soilmoisture5}}”,
“Soilmoisture6”: “{{Soilmoisture6}}”,
“Precipitation”: “{{Precipitation}}”,
“Soiltemp”: “{{Soiltemp}}”,
“Humidity”: “{{Humidity}}”,
“Temperature”: “{{Paneltemperature}}”,
“Panelhumidity”: “{{Panelhumidity}}”,
“Paneltemperature”: “{{Temperature}}”,
“Battery”: “{{Battery}}”,
“Radiotech”: “{{Radiotech}}”,
“Signal”: “{{Signal}}”,
“Quality”: “{{Quality}}”,
“Resets”: “{{Resets}}”,
“Alerts”: “{{Alerts}}”

The first field is the Unix Time for all the variables in the payload. I am assuming that I would need to point the Webhook to an endpoint associated with a Ubifunction which would, in turn, add the variable data points to the desired device. Correct?

Any help on next steps would be appreciated.



hi @chipmc

here is how I do it via https api and I supply timestamp for each variable
“ext_analog3”: {
“value”: 0,
“timestamp”: 1563105576846
“ext_analog4”: {
“value”: 0,
“timestamp”: 1563105576846
“rssi”: {
“value”: -88,
“timestamp”: 1563105576846




Yes, that is the correct way to add the timestamp and is the apparently the only way supported by the API. The problem for me is that I have 18 variables for each device. Sending a 32-bit timestamp for each variable means that I am sending over 500 bytes in redundant time code information. As my device is cellular and battery powered, and there are limitations (I believe?) on the length of a Particle Webhook / Ubidots API call, I was looking for a way to send that time code once for each API call.

It may be that the Ubifunction gives me a way to append the timecode once the web hook reached Ubidots. If I get this working, I will share my results.

Thanks for your reply


Hi there @chipmc, I will advise two ways that come to my mind to solve your problem:

1. Using Particle Webhooks

Let’s create a simple script to send 8 variables using Particle Webhooks. Notice that we will also send an unique timestamp.

const int ARRAY_LENGTH = 8;
long values[ARRAY_LENGTH];
char *labels[ARRAY_LENGTH] = {"t0","t1","t2","t3","t4","t5","t6","t7"};
char timestamp_ubi[13];
char payload[700];

void setup() {

void loop() {
  unsigned long timestamp_seconds = Time.now();
  sprintf(timestamp_ubi, "%lu000", timestamp_seconds);

  //Particle.Publish("ubidots", payload, PRIVATE);

void readValues(long values[]){
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH; i++){
    values[i] = analogRead(i + 10);

void buildPayload(char payload[]) {
  sprintf(payload, "%s", "");
  sprintf(payload, "{");
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH;) {
    sprintf(payload, "%s\"%s\":%d", payload, labels[i], values[i]);
    if (i < ARRAY_LENGTH) {
      sprintf(payload, "%s,", payload);
    } else {
      sprintf(payload, "%s,\"timestamp\":%s}", payload, timestamp_ubi);

The payload that will be sent will look like the one below:

{"t0": 1000, "t1": 1000, .... , "t7": 1000, "timestamp": 1568213275000}

Now, let’s create a webhook that will add the timestamp key to every value:


Advanced settings: Add the timestamp to every key-value pair


2. Ubifunctions:

This is the most flexible way, and there are multiple solutions that may fit your needs, I will write just one as example. Let’s create the format below for your values stream:

{"values": "value_1,value_2,...,value_n,timestamp"}

Note: You will need to implement in your firmware the routine to create the json above.

The Ubifunction code (in python) to decode the string above would look like:

def main(args):
    Main function - runs every time the function is executed.
    "args" is a dictionary containing both the URL params and the HTTP body (for POST requests).
    stream = args.get("values")
    payload = decoder(stream)

   # Add here the logic to send

def send_to_ubidots(payload):
    Define the function to send data, not written here to make the post short, please guide yourself from the 
    basic Ubifunction example

def decoder(stream):
    Decodes the custom stream
    counter = 0 
    values = values.split(",") 
    timestamp = values[len(values)-1]
    for value in values[0:len(values)-1]:
        payload[f"value-{counter}"] = {"value": value, "timestamp": timestamp}
        counter += 1
    return payload

Notice that the Ubifunction script is implemented to decode an already custom data buffer. It is important to mention here that Ubifunctions receives just json type data as arguments.

I hope that these examples may serve you as reference, if you have any further doubt, just let me know.


@chipmc, how did you do that? This thread (albeit old) says it’s not possible: [SOLVED] Sending value of another variable in an event of some other variable - Events engine - Ubidots Community

@axelwolff ,

Happy to share just want to make sure I am answering the right question. Is your question about sending a single timestamp for a webhook (this thread) or the question about showing one variable when another triggers an event?

Thanks, Chip

@chipmc, Thank you for your kind reply. It looks from your post that you are able to post to a web-hook sending several variables from your device other than the one variable that triggered the event. I just received a message from the development team that this is not possible, so I’m curious if you have found a workaround.

@axelwolff ,

Sorry, I did not mean to imply that. I am also constrained by this limitation. Like you, I have expressed an interest in getting this fixed and it is my understanding that it is not yet implemented.

Thanks, Chip

Thanks for responding. I think there are many users waiting for this possibility. The team told me it’s in their backlog.

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